
Weird Acronyms

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Weird Acronyms

P.A.P.E.R.-people abuse paper eating russians
F.I.R.E.-financially inadequite red enteurpenure
M.A.Y.H.E.M.- metallic astroids yeild hairy emu men
C.H.A.O.S.- chunky horses ate osmosis stink-bombs
S.H.O.E.- stupid hoboes on earth
N.E.E.D.- nomads eat european dung
L.I.G.H.T.-lmnoes inhabit great house trees

Weird Acronyms are extremly diffult for the homsapian(speices of human)to make. You must be a lmnoe or have a single drop of lmnoe blood to make these strange acronyms. You can even make wierd acronyms if you are an ex-lmnoe(ompoo sister-even boys are ompoo sisters if they quit lmnoes). You are a lmnoe wannabe you can get a blood transfusion from a lmnoe and have all the powers of a lmnoe

This is one of our weird acronyms